All my strawberry systems seem to be working very well at the moment, After only a few weeks each plant is providing several fresh strawberries every day or so.
Here are a few pictures of the strawberry plants at the moment.
The only thing I’ve been having to do on a nearly daily basis is to check for greenfly or whitefly. A few leaves have had quite a few of these nasty insects trying to destroy them. I’ve found the easiest way to get rid of them is simply to check each leaf in turn for them and simply squish them with your fingers. It’s not the nicest thing to have to do but it’s a lot better for the plants than spraying them every time you see them, and it only takes a few minutes each day.
I saw a cool pic the other day on r/hydro of someone who used their rain gutters on their house as a sort of NFT to grow strawberries on using collected rainwater. Check it out lol: